Youth league

Youth League LeaderMelese Abate

It is the message of the Youth League. The role of our league is irreplaceable to maintain the changes that have been registered, to correct mistakes, and to sustain the interests of the present and future generations.

Recognizing the country’s transformation, the League has achieved significant results in terms of organizing the youth of the city in terms of job creation, volunteerism, supporting the victims, and disseminating the party’s concept to the youth. Recognizing the importance of the policies of the youth for the development of an inclusive economic system that ensures the development and equitable benefits of building a political and economic community, recognizing the need for our league to stand by our mother party and fight for its success.

Recognizing the need for a committed, committed, prosperous, united, and united Ethiopia where our League is governed by the rule of law and democracy, where individual and group rights are respected,

Our young people will play their part in building the great Ethiopia that we want to see and building a country that is conducive to its youth.

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