Rules and principles

The party will have the following rules and principles
  • The party performs its activities by respecting the law of the country, regions , the constitution and other laws
  • The members of the party have the responsibility to implement , respect and make others to respect the rules that mentioned under article 8/1 to 8/3
  • While the right to advance their own thought is intact, members of the party have the duty and responsibility to implement and insure the implementation of the party’s decision
  • Any member of the party has equal say in the party and a single vote in the process of decision making in the party
  • The party’s decisions will tried to be made collectively after the deliberations are held in a democratic way and consensus is reached.
  • Issues which cannot be decided collectively will be decided through majority vote. And the decision is also implemented by the body who passed it and the lower structures.
  • Unless another rule is made the decision of the party can pass only if it get more than 50% votes. In case the votes are equal the vote of the leader
    decide the winner
  • Unless another rule is made the meeting of the members of the party in any of the party’s structure would said to be full only if the participants are 50+ 1 and above.
  • In every meeting, especially during the emergency session, all members have the obligation to avail themselves. It is forbidden to intentionally make the general assembly to miss the required number. And the one who did so will face the disciplinary measure.
  • When 1/3rd of the participant members raise question and demand answer on the decision passed at any structure of the party meeting the questions become open to discussion and the decisions can be reversed and remade.
  • When appeal is made against a decision passed at a given stage and the decision is approved to remain intact, there will be no more appeal. After the appeal is failed it is only possible to lodge complaint on assembly/conference of the party, or by collecting signature while also implementing the decision.
  • When a demand to appeal against the decision made has surface once again, it is only presented in written form to the body who passed the decision.
  • The compliant lodge his appeal to the leader of the council in a written form. The leader presents the appeal to the upper echelon with the signatures of the bodies who demand the appeal. When 1/3rd of the pertinent bodies sign on the appeal the issue will get attention on the regular session or emergency meeting The party’s action bases on transparency and democracy
  • All decisions and directions made by the upper echelon of the party and would poses visible pressure on the public would be kept secret by the body who passed the decision and made public to the party members or the general public when necessary.
  • The decisions and directions passed on the meeting or conferences of the party are documented according to the minutes of the meetings / conferences
  • The details of the procedure in which the issues that needs to be kept in secrete identified will be prepared
  • The leaders of the party at different levels bear the responsibility for the decisions they passed individually or collectively. In addition, failing the responsibility of implementing the decision or acting contrary of the decision made cause responsibility
  •  Political or administrative measures will be taken when necessary based on the law of the country or the party by-law
  • The bodies of the party in each level should prepare and present their action plan.
  • The members and structures of the party will have stage on which they share experiences
  • The party will follow the system in which it awards and encourages the members , leaders and structures who register higher performance
  • The party will follow the system and procedures on how to increase the participation of youth and women in the party.
  • The relation the party will have with other parities will be decided at the national or the middle level
  • The part of the society which are small in number and needs special support can have representation in the party membership at different organizational levels and become beneficiary.
  •  The goals, programs and plans of the party will be implemented at the head office of the party, at regional, cities and at the offices of the party in different levels and also at the offices of the party abroad.
  • disciplinary measures which taken against party members and candidates is to develop party discipline, redress mistakes and errors and to maintain the strength and quality of the party

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