Party’s organizational structure

  • The regional organization of the party office is answerable to the head office and the regional office of the party is named as follows
    • Oromia prosperity party office
    • Amhara prosperity office
    • SNNPR Prosperity party office
    • Somali prosperity party office
    • Tigray prosperity party office
    • Afar prosperity office woreda
    • Benishangul Gumuz prosperity party office
    • Gambella prosperity party office
    • Harari prosperity party
  • Taking what has mentioned under this article paragraph (1) as it is , the office of the party also established in Addis Ababa, Dire Dawa cities and at the town and level
  • The party’s office at zone , town and woreda are answerable to the regional office
  • Taking what has mentioned under this article paragraph (1 – 3 ) as it is , the offices in
    different levels will have inspection and control commission

The working system of region’s party conference

  • ) The party’s conference at regional , zonal, woreda, and kebele level will serve as the stage for the political mobilization of the party’s members
  • The representation of the members at regional, zonal, woreda and kebele level are determined by the members of the party’s conference
  • The regional, zonal, woreda and conference are held by the organizers of the party at each level. The regional conference is held once a year, the zone and woreda/special woreda held twice a year, and the kebele three times a week
  • The inspection and control commission of the region review the general activities of the

The role and responsibility of the party’s conference

  • Insures the implementation of the parties bylaw at each level
  • Insures the party’s programs and directions are properly implemented
  • Work to build the capacity of members
  • Selects members for the party’s council and conference on the bases of party’s directions
  • The inspection and control commission listen, review and approve the report of the party’s organizing committee

The organizing committee of the party

  • The regions organizing committee is answerable to the executive committee of the party
  • The zone, woreda, town, kebele party committee is answerable to the higher level of the
    party committee at each level.
  • The organizing committee of the party at the regional level held its meeting once a
    month and a the town , woreda, and kebele level twice a month
  • The organizing committee at each level will have the following roles and responsibilities
    • Organize political activities and party structure at its centers
    • Properly implementing the decisions made by the higher body. Preparing working
      plans follow and check its implementation
    • Presents the appointment of the organizing committees of the party to the higher
      bodies at each level and assign them when approved
    • Presents the performance report the organizing committee

Offices of the party

  • The offices of the party will serve as the centers of political and public relations
  • The offices of the party are answerable to the higher offices at each level
  • The offices can have head , deputy head and organizing committee named according
    the offices at different levels
  • The offices will have the following roles and responsibilities
    •  They plan the structures and political activities at the regional level and follow up its
    • Properly manage and administer the party’s document , finance , and properties
    • Implement the organization of party members, political structure, public relations
      and other jobs
    • Make agreement with the third party on behave of the party based on the direction
      given by the party’s head office
    • Discloses the programs, directions, action plans and implementations to the public
      through mass media based on the direction given by the party’s office
    • Higher, administer, manage and suspends the workers of the office based on the
      directions of the human resource and management rules
    • Implement additional jobs given by other office at different levels
    • Prepare reports and present to the offices at different levels on timely bases

The inspection and control commission of the part

  • The inspection and control commission is answerable to the higher offices at each
  • The inspection and control commission will have the following roles and

    • Check and follow up if the members are disciplined , respects and abides the
      party’s bylaw , programs and directions
    • Follow up if the decisions and directions of the party are properly implemented
    • Make the necessary follow up to insure the quality and strength of the party
    • Accepts and investigate complaint coming from members
    • Follow up and insure if the party’s document , finance and properties are properly
      managed and used
    • Follow up if the membership fee is collected on time and properly
    • Present performance report to the conference committee and the inspection and
      control commission higher to the office at each level

Party’s women and youth organization

  • The Women and youth organization at all level of the party’s organization will have political , social economic participation that insures their benefit
  • Taking what has mentioned under this article paragraph (1) as it is , directions will be issued by the central committee

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