
  • The limit of the tenure for the head and deputy head will be 10 years. the tenure of other heads will be decided based on the decision made by the central committee
  • The age limit to be on the leadership position is 65

Transition rules

  • The dissolving of the EPRDF member parties and the inclusion affiliate parties is done
    according to this bylaw per the decisions made and directions set during the 11th
    session of EPRDF
  • The right and responsibilities the members of the individual parties of EPRDF used to
    have has now handed down to Prosperity party.
  • The EPRDF council , the central committee and the inspection and control commission
    will continue providing leadership until the Prosperity party held its conference
  • Taking what has mentioned under this article paragraph(3) as it is , the number of the
    affiliate parties members who will participate in the council and executive committee
    will be decided by the executive committee
  • The EPRDF parties women and youth league structures will continue as the supporters
    the Prosperity party
  • Members of EPRDF and the affiliate parities will remain as members of the Prosperity
    party without any conditions

Party’s sources of finance
The sources of the party’s finance comes from the membership fees, donations from
the supporters of the party.

Human resource, resource, finance and audition system of party.

  • Administered based on the rule issued by the human resource, finance and resource
    branch of the central committee
  • The party will have full account sheet and make audition by internal and external
    auditors once a year.
  • The central committee can allow the executive committee the authority to make
    decision on the party’s finance on its behalf

The Party’s internal problem solving mechanism

  • The problems that would happen in the party should be resolved according to the rules set out in this bylaw
  • Taking what has mentioned under this article paragraph (1) as it is , if the problem cannot be solve accordingly , it will be solved according the political parties code of conduct and electoral board’s law

The mechanism of how the party blend, form a coalition, or front

  • The party can blend, form a coalition or front with other party or parties
  • The rule that has mentioned under this article paragraph can be implemented according
    to the proclamation of national electoral board, registration of political parties and the
    electoral code of conduct when the central committee approves it
  • The party can blend , form a coalition or front when the central committee present the
    case to the party’s conference and prove that the issue is handled in accordance with
    national electoral board, registration of political parties and election code of conduct

Dissolution of the party
The party council can dissolve the party with 3/4th vote

The council of the highest advisory of the party

  • To insure the party’s political , economic and social activities the executive committee can form the advisory council which drown from different profession and prominent persons who are selected by the party’s president
  • Taking what has mentioned under this article paragraph (1) as it is , the advisory council at the region can be selected and formed by the regional head of the party

The supremacy of the party’s bylaw

  • The party bylaw is the supreme rule of the party and is implemented on the members of
    the party
  • If a contradiction happen between the bylaw and other documents of the party, the
    bylaw will have a supremacy over the other

 The authority to issue rule

Given the authorities given to different bodies according to this bylaw as it is, the central
committee can issue rules which help to implement the bylaws

Approval of the bylaw

This bylaw is approved starting from the day the council of EPRDF and the representatives of
the affiliate parties passed the decision based on the decision of the 11th EPRDF council

 Improving, changing and cancelling the bylaw

  • It is only the council of the party who can improve, change and cancel the bylaw
  • Taking what has mentioned under this article paragraph (1) as it is , improving the bylaw can be suggested by ;
    • The president or
    • 1/3rd vote of the central committee or
    • Majority vote of the executive committee or
    • ½ vote of the inspection and control commission or
  • According to this article paragraph (2) the suggestion of improving the bylaw can be
    presented to the council of the party when it get the support of the majority vote of the
    central committee
  • According to this article paragraph (3) the bylaw can be improved when the suggestion
    to improve the bylaw secure the majority vote of the central committee

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