Organization and structure

Organization and structure of the party

  • The party’s organization and structure is based on the constitution and implemented as such. Accordingly the organization of the party will take place as follows
    • Federal
    • Region
    • Zone/city administration
    • Woreda/special woreda/town
    • Kebele
  • The party will have the following permanent structures
    • Regular meeting
    • Central committee
    •  Executive committee
    • President
    • Deputy president
    • Inspection and control commission
    • Head office of the party
    • Party offices in the regions
    • Offices in at Zone , city, Woreda and Kebele level
  • The party cell will be established wherever the members exist

The structure of the party’s council and conferences in Zone, Town, Woreda

  • The council of the party is held at the federal level
  • The conference is held at the regional level and it will be held also in zones, woredas and kebeles where necessary
  • The representation in the conference primarily bases on the number of the members which based on the representation of nations and nationalities
  •  The regular meeting and the different conferences involves new members who have good capacity.

The regular council of the party

  • The regular council of party is the highest echelon of the party
  • The regular council of the party would be held every two and half years
  •  The regular council of the party would be held in less than three years
  • The number of participants who take part in the council is above 500, taking in to account of the fair distribution of representatives from the group of the society who have small number of population
  •  It would be possible to call for an emergency meeting when 1/3rd of the central committee approves
  • The inspection and control commission of the party can held an emergency meeting if the members of the commission approves the meeting with 1/3rd approves
  •  Member who participated in the first council of the party will also directly take part in the emergency meeting
  • The council meeting can be held when 2/3rd of the members of the party councils are available
  • The emergency meetings of the council is held when 50+ members are available
  • Members of the central committee and the inspection and control commission will directly take part in the meeting
  • The representation in the meeting is based on the number of the party members and nations and nationalities per the details and the procedure issued by the central committee
  • The agenda of the emergency meeting and the place should be announced prior to the meeting

The role and power of the party’s council

  • The party’s council have the following roles and responsibilities
    • Approve the party’s bylaws, improve and change it when it is necessary
    • Put in place directions and decisions by which the party is governed by
    • Choose and determine the number of the central committee and the inspection and control commission
    •  Listen the reports presented by the central committee and the inspection and control
      commission and approve it.
    • Approves the decision of the party on issue of forming coalition with other parties or
      forming a front
    • Pass decision on suspension of the members of the central committee and the
      inspection and control committee
    • Approve , improve and change the name and logo of the party
    • Choose the party’s president and deputy president
    • Analyses and improves the agendas and points presented for the meeting prior to
      the beginning of the regular council meeting
    • Taking what has mentioned under this article paragraph (1) as it is, the council can
      give its roles and responsibility fully or by half to the central committee

The central committee of the party

  • The central committee is answerable to the regular council and the committee
    continues as the highest authority of the party until next council meeting
  • The central committee is formed and elected by the secret ballot by the members of
    the council
  • The number and distribution of the central committee will depend on the number of
    the members
  • The central committee held meetings every six months. But the emergency meeting can be held in less than this time if the central committee believe and 1/3rd of the member of the central committee demands
  •  The general council of the central committee is held when 50+ members are available
  • Every decisions made by the central committee is applicable to all except the
    members of the inspection and control commission
  • The central committee is led by the president and the deputy president or the
  • The central committee have the following roles and responsibilities
    • Insure the implementation of programs , bylaws and decisions passed by the
    • Leads, issues policies and programs, and directions for implementation based on
      the decisions and directions made by the party
    • Listen to the report of the executive committee , scrutinize it and pass decision on
      matters that needs it
    • Implement the agreements made by the president of the party
    • Issue the rules of the party’s election system
    • Approves the strategies for the election and organize a committee that leads the
      process of the election
    • Layout the necessary structures of the party
    • Decide the number and distribution of the executive committee
    • Choose members of the executive committee
    • Approves the annual work plan and budget
    • Issue directions concerning the type and payment of the membership fee
    • Pass decisions on the controversies raised with regard to the bylaw.
    • Implement additional jobs which are necessary in addition to the party’s program
      and bylaw
    • The organizer of the meeting of the party organizes committee from among the
      members of the executive committee, the inspection and control commission
    • Suspend the members of the central committee who are not abide by the party’s
      bylaw and those who have no leadership capacity by 2/3rd vote.
    • Approves rules for the implementation of this law
    • Taking what has mentioned under this article paragraph (8) as it is, the central
      committee can share his authorities and responsibilities to the executive committee
      by half

The executive committee of the party

  • The executive committee is selected from among the central committee through secrete voting and is answerable to the central committee
  • The executive committee is led by the party’s president
  • The meeting of the central committee is held every three month
  • It is possible to call for the meeting with in less than three month when it is demanded by the executive committee of the party’s president and approved by 1/3rd
  • 50+ members of the executive committee should be available
  • The executive committee have the following roles and responsibilities
    • Provide leadership, approve and follow the implementation of plans, direction
      and decisions made by the central committee
    • Follow the implementations , invent ways and show directions based on the decision of the central committee to change people’s life and to make the creation of a community a single political economy possible
    • Following and supporting the implementation of strengthening the federal system
      and national unity
    • Issuing rules that can be implemented together with the inspection and control
      commission on the bases of the bylaw to strengthen the internal party
      democracy more
    • Make performance report to the central committee
    • Support , follow and lead the activities of party leaders on each level
    • Provide work directions to the office the party on the daily bases
    • Leads activities and structures in the party. prepare rule and implement it
    • Prepares agendas of the central committee meeting
    • Layout strategies and follow up that programs, direction and decisions made by
      the party are accessible to members and the wider public

President of the party

  • The president of the party is answerable to the central committee of the party, and
    has the following roles and responsibilities

    •  Chairs the meeting of the central committee and executive committee
    • Organize the jobs of the central and executive committee
    •  Implement the decision of the central and executive committee
    • Can make work relation with different bodies and sign agreements on behalf of
      the party
    • Present report to the executive committee
    • Implement additional jobs given to him by the central and executive committee

Deputies of the party

  • The party will have deputies
  • The deputies are answerable to the president of the party and they have the following
    roles and responsibilities

    • The deputy works on behalf the president in his absence
    • Implement missions that given to him by executive committee and the president

The party inspection and control commission

  • The inspection and control commission is formed being elected on the regular meeting of the council. The number of the commission is determined by the council and is also based on the number of the members. Small number of the society will have also representatives in the commission. the details for its implantation will be issued
  • The commission is answerable to the regular council
  • The mission which the party give to the members of the commission should not contradict with their formal job
  • The commission will have its office and expert
  • The commission will have its own structure and organize structures at different level
    of the party’s office
  • The office of the commission has the following responsibilities
    • The commission follows the implementation of the party’s bylaw
    • Follows the implementation of the party’s decisions
    • Follow the whether the members and candidates of the part are disciplined and
      respects the party’s bylaw
    • Follow whether the party’s jobs are being done according to the rule and the
      bylaws of the party
    • Make the necessary follow up to strengthen the party and insure the quality of the
    • Follow whether the benefit of the party’s members and other bodies are
    • Accepts the complains coming from the members , investigates them and
      presents proposal of correction mechanism to the complains to the executive
    • Checks whether the party’s capital and properties are used properly and the
      members are paying their membership fee or not
    • Suspends members who do not abide by the bylaw when 2/3rd of the commission
      members vote on the issue
    • Issue the working procedure of the commission on the bases of the party bylaw
    • The commission held its regular session once every three months
    •  The commission can run its job by preparing its own plan
  • If the proposals presented to the executive committee by the commission are
    rejected by the committee the proposal will pass again to the central committee. The
    decision made on the issue by the central committee serve until the next session of
    the council meeting
  • The commission elects its own chair, deputy and secretary and announce it to the

The party’s head office

  • The party’s head office is answerable to the president of the party. It leads the politics, public relations and make international analysis. It serve as a center of research.
  •  The head office will have head and deputy head
  • The office prepares work plans and their implementation and present to the party’s
  • Identify candidate for different offices in the regions by discussing with the party
    President or regional authorities and presenting them to the Executive Committee
  • Prepare work plans for the party’s head office and regions and present to the central
  • The office will have the following roles and responsibilities
    • The office prepare work plans on the bases of the directions and decisions made
      by the executive , central committee and the president and follow up their
    • Manage the party’s document, finance and properties and follow up whether it is
      properly used
    • Conduct research and public relations. Organize members and political activities
    • Form a relation with the third party on behalf of the president on the bases of the
      directions the president provides
    • Name committees of the party by discussing with the president
    • Manage the budget that approved by the party
    • Disseminate the party’s programs and directions to the public using mass media
      and others
    • Sign agreements on behalf of the party and can sue and be sued
    • Hire , head and suspend the workers of the office on the bases of the human
      resource management rule
    • Organize advisers of the party council
    • Implement jobs given to it by the executive , central committee and president of
      the party
  • Taking what mentioned under this article paragraph (6) as it is , prepare other
    directions and present to the president
  • Taking what mentioned under this article paragraph (6) as it is, the head office can
    share authority to offices of different regions

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