Waa'ee dhaaba badhaadhina


The Prosperity Party was formed and formally recognised by the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) in December 2019 through the merging of three former EPRDF member parties, the Amhara Democratic Party (ADP), the Oromo Democratic Party (ODP) and the Southern Ethiopian People’s Democratic Movement (SEPDM). The Afar National Democratic Party (ANDP), the Benishangul-Gumuz People’s Democratic Unity Front (BGPDUF), the Ethiopian Somali People’s Democratic Party (ESPDP), the Gambela People’s Democratic Movement (GPDM) and the Hareri National League (HNL) were also included in the merger.[8][9] The Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), the only one not to join the new party, was critical of it upon its formation.

Badhaadhina mul'ata addunyaa

  • Gara finxaaleyyii osoo hin taane mala giddugaleessaa fudhata
  • Kallattii badhaadhinaa fi dimokiraasii waldaa hojii gamtaa fi dorgommii irratti hundaa’e; dimokraasii qunnamtii kan heddumminaa fi sabboonummaaf bakka addaa kennudha
  • sirna siyaasaa badhaadhinaa federaalizimii dhugaa paartilee hedduu fi biyyoolessaa ykn heera mootummaa keessatti tumameedha.
  • Sirni dinagdee badhaadhina qabu kaappitaalizimii hunda hammatee fi gidduu seenummaa mootummaan faayidaa haqa qabeessa lammiilee giddugaleessa godhate hayyamuudha.
  • Imaammattoonni, sagantaaleen fi tarsiimoon qophaa’aa jiran hawaasa hiyyeessaa irratti kan xiyyeeffataniidha
  • Badhaadhinni madaallii tumsaa fi dorgommii gidduu jiruudha; lammiilee kabajuun dursa qaba; dantaa saba keenyaa ni eega; ollaa biyyoota biroo caalaa dursa qaba.

Paartii badhaadhina


The party has the following visions
  • Building a country which has a strong government, democracy and acceptance
  • Building inclusive economic development which ensures equal benefit
  • Building social development which insures general prosperity
  • Formulating a foreign policy which base on the interest and the sovereignty of the


  • Appealing to people’s interest
  • Paabliksii jedhama
  • Olaantummaa seeraa
  • Development and equal benefit
  • National unity and multi-nationalism

Kaayyoo dhaaba badhaadhina

  • Building a strong, democratic and acceptable lasting state
  • Diinagdee hunda hammatee fi qaqqabummaa misoomaa fi haqa qabeessa ta’e mirkaneessu ijaaruu.
  • Misooma hawaasummaa badhaadhina biyyoota lamaanii guddisu mirkaneessuu.
  • Hariiroo alaa kabaja biyyaa giddu galeessa godhate gaggeessuu


The party will have the following values
  • Respect for citizens and peoples
  • Truth
  • Fraternity
  • Mutual respect and tolerance
  • Unity in diversity

Mul'ata dhaaba badhaadhina

Itiyoophiyaa hawwiin ummanni misoomaa, bilisummaa fi walqixxummaa haala itti fufiinsa qabuun, obbolummaa, tokkummaa sabaa fi nagaa waaraa irratti hundaa’ee itti guutamu ijaaruu dha.

Dudhaalee badhaadhina

  • Paabliksii
  • Paabliksii jedhama
  • Olaantummaa seeraa
  • Dhugaa qabatamaa
  • National unity and nationalism

Paartii Badhaadhina Badhaadhina Manifesto fi sagantaa


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