Mr. Moges Balcha

Message from the Executive Member of Prosperity Party and Head of Addis Ababa Prosperity Party Branch Office

Our country, Ethiopia, is a symbol of diversity and a country that unites different identities, faiths, cultures, languages, and political ideologies. Although its citizens are different in terms of diversity, they have lived for centuries with respect and tolerance, making their differences their beauty. They protected the sovereignty and independence of their country through sacrifice and passed it on to us.

Distorted narratives and political views created since the middle of the 19th century, however, have viewed these ancestors as a grace to erode the common realities that our forefathers supported the country, and to be the source of our weakness rather than our strength. When governments and political forces that emerge every day, some of them add gasoline to the fire, prolonging our suffering. Others have been complicating the problem with incomplete and vague solutions.

The Prosperity Party, which gave birth to the national change, firmly believes that the political and economic fractures of our country can be resolved permanently through a comprehensive and democratic solution that strengthens our national unity and sees it within the framework of brotherhood/sisterhood. Therefore, our national unity has become the main agenda at the level of law, procedure and institution.

The Addis Ababa Prosperity Party branch office is also being driven to fulfill the responsibility given by the residents of our city in the spirit of responsibility. In the last five years, we have recorded economic, political and social victories that have proven that Ethiopia’s prosperity is inevitable in Addis Ababa, which is the showcase of the great Ethiopia. Huge footprints of prosperity have been planted in our city.

In the middle of our journey, we faced man-made and structural challenges, turning challenges into opportunities, transforming our capabilities into results, challenges into success, and holding hands in solidarity and brotherhood, we continued our journey. Still, the leadership, members and supporters of our party at all levels will strengthen our solidarity and fight extremism, ineffectiveness, theft and corruption, which are challenges to us, and we will make the inevitable universal prosperity a reality.

In this process, all the residents of our city are by our side as always. I also call upon the competing parties and all democratic institutions, who have an irreplaceable role in strengthening democracy, to work together for the prosperity of Ethiopia and its people.

Thank you!!

Majored in Political Science

Law School and Civil Rights Attorney

Director of the Developing Communities

Deputy Attorney General Media Project

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