History & PoliciesJoin Addis Ababa prosperity party

Member requirements
Member to the party
  • anyone who can fulfill the following criteria and who is a citizen of Ethiopia can be the
    member of the party

    • One who has the willing and resolution to accept the party’s by-law and prove
      himself/herself in implementing it
    • One who has a good disciple and acceptance among the public
    • One who highly believe in national unity and unity in diversity and who struggle against
      the attitude and practice of extremism with unwavering stand.
    • One who serves all citizens and the public equally ,give priority for the public interest,
      and distance himself from bad practices and struggle against similar issues
    • One who accepts the party’s vision and values and have a determination to implement
      the rules and responsibilities
    • One who has the willing to pay the membership fee
    • One whose age is 18 and above
    • One who is not a member of other parties
    • One who is not inhibited by law for not become a member of a party and one whose
      right is not limited by court’s rule
    • He /she will become a full member of the party after concluding the period of his/her
      candidacy according to the by-law
  • The by-law which determine the highest age limit of membership and honorary
    membership will be issued by the central committee
Applying for membership
  • Any citizen who decided to be a member of the party can summit his membership
    application letter to a nearby office of the party.
  • As it is mentioned under this article paragraph (1) the party can select a person who can
    be trusted and a person who struggle primarily to implement the party by-law
  • According to this article of paragraph (1) and (2) a person who selected by fulfilling the
    criteria of membership would remain as a candidacy to the party until six months
  • The party cell can examine the performance of the candidate and approve his/her full
    membership or can extend his or her candidacy for not more than three months period
  • The period of the candidacy would not extend more than one and then canceled from the
    list of candidacy.
  •  A candidate implements the responsibility given to him/her by the party during the period of
    his/her candidacy
  • The central committee issues the rule concerning the selection of members, assignment,
    dispatching and suspension of members.
The right of members
  • Any full member can have the following rights
    • Have full right to elect and to be elected in the election held at different levels in the
    • Participate on the legal assemblies of the party, meetings and discussions that passes decisions and vote on the issues. And can express his/her idea on any legal stages either in word or written forms.
    • Present critique on any member of the party based on tangible evidence
    • Anyone who has a concern on any decision made by the party can present his/her
      case according to the bylaw of the party to different bodies of the party
    • The right to get briefing and answers on any issues to have clarity about the party
      from the pertinent bodies as far as from the central committee
    • Promoting the party bylaws, programs and decisions and making others to
      understand these and work for their implementation.
    • Can leave the party any time by returning the parties properties after summiting a
      letter of resignation
  • Any candidate member of the party has no right to participate in the election in the party,
    the right to be elected and the right to vote. But can exercise other rights in the party for
    members. Abide by the party rule.
The duty of members

Any member of the party has the following duties

  • A member has the duty to know the party bylaw, rules, programs, decisions and accept, respect and abide by it at any time any place. And also play a leading role for its implementation.
  • Fully participate to maintain the political idea of the party at any level in the positions
  • Respecting the rules, values and discipline of the party and guarding the safety of the public and the sovereignty of the country.
  •  Respecting the different laws in the country and government decisions
  • Exposing any practice that affects the party’ unity and strength
  • Refraining from promoting the stand of an individual or a group in the party as if it the
    stand of the party
  • Refraining from affecting the good relations between party’s members
  • Paying the membership fee
  • Protecting the party’s property
  • Avoiding malpractices and refraining from bias and struggle to prevent them
  • While leaving his/her regular job or transfer to another job position he/she should notice party structure where he/she is transferred to and return the document and properties

© 2023 Copyright Addis Ababa Prosperity Party

P.O.Box: 1352
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