Of the city Project and Of judgment at home Block

June 14, 2022

Addis Ababa City Management From the2014 budget year First Picked up Or the last 9 months Only Abused at home Living Citizens Lifestyle To change By what he does Effort 3000 houses Renewing Residents From abuse To save He can. By the way Program The administration At2013 end of By Kirkos Sub_City District 8 My Heart Fana Education at home Area 35 at low Of living Level and For those who live Households Accommodation at home such as brand new In four Modern Blocks To build Work Launched it was.
This Construction Where it is Stage When we look Of the four Buildings In One Full For the whole Finished When The second Of Skeleton The work Done As well The third and The fourth Excavation and Basis Work On Are available. This Work The administration When he performs them If so Others Fast Constructions In terms of to the Later Delayed Reason When we look one Individual The place Regarding By Of judgment at home Argument And Block it is. (Below is The ban Attached) In this Reason For9 months In an argument Process The work To delay The residents The majority In education at home In To stay three Households Also The administration at home Rent up to date He kept them. However But when completed 80 households hold Done Working Has This Construction _9 months Of judgment at home Block Later Right now hour For the individual Substitute Place Given to the Work Worth it When The project as soon as Going on Therefore In short Time In To be completed For residents Transmitted will be. Thing But In some The media If done Well Jobs Above This To the best of our ability Above Anyway Reason Created Problem By waving Wrong Feature To create To be done Effort Appropriate Whether or not The administration He believes. Important Information From the administration With Approached ask for And common sense Information To the community Delivery All of us Responsibility Feeling we have ‘Run out of gas’ emotionally Citizens Function To be It should.


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