In Ethiopia Different Locations Occurred If so Conflicts Back The terrorist TPLF Hand Existence Under investigation Confirmed

June 14, 2022

in Ethiopia Different Locations Occurred If so Conflicts Back The terrorist TPLF Hand As it should be Under investigation Confirmed Justice Ministry He explained. In Ethiopia which came Change Followed by In different Of the country Locations Conflict Instability Events Their mirror, It is known. For different Reasons By what happened Conflicts Of many Folks Life When it passes Physical Injury, Property Destruction and Displacement Occurred. In these Crimes On Participant Who were Bodies By law Responsible To be Injury Experienced Citizens Justice To get Done Justice Ministry He explained. Of justice Minister State The license Grace: In different Locations Who were Conflicts Cause To filter and Criminals Responsible To do By Diagnosis The terrorist TPLF Of destruction Hands Their existence Verified They said. The terrorist TPLF Conflicts By war Equipment and On a budget By supporting as well as Distribution By giving About participation With information and Evidence Verified They said. ”I I did not lead her Country To continue should not. ” be Raised Terrorist Group Country To break Different Of destruction Options To use Minister The state They explained. Of justice Ministry From the change The next day From By Tepi, In Burao In the new Flower, In Assosa And And others Locations Done Crimes Strained and Diagnosis Done Decision To get Enabling They explained. By Gideon Guji as well as In Hawassa By nature Conflicts Of the crime Participant Who were Bodies Of judgment Decision To get Done They said. Their origin Religious Boundary Case do it in near Occurred Crimes Examines Group to the The place Sent You mentioned. In Gondar, By Debarkna In the morning Religion Cover They did as well as By Jinkana I arrived We decided Home do it Occurred Conflicts By filtering Criminals Responsible To do Working That They explained. In different Locations Religion and Nation Home do it Occurred Conflicts At the Federal Government Only To be seen And decided They said. For justice Accessibility From working In parallel Traditionally Values Reconciliation Tasks To be performed Working That is You mentioned.
Next Border Boundary Issues Legally Way To solve It works They said. Of destruction Forces Country Demolition Activity Still Continued even if Government Criminals Responsible And Legal Supremacy Enforcement Work Strengthen Continued.

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