The second Round Of leadership Capacity Construction Training Launched

June 13, 2022

“New Political View – New National Excuse me! ” In the new Flower City For those who are Prosperity Party Leaders The second Round Capacity Construction Training give away Launched. Prosperity Party brand new Flower Branch Office__ In-charge Mr. He replied the world The training For the leadership Thinking and Functional Unity By creating Fraternity And Sisterhood By developing Of the party Purpose And My thoughts Rejected: For its practicality Qualified Leadership To create On Focused That They explained.
in addition, The leadership has a brand new Political View And National Remark By feeding to Prosperity To travel Where he can Capacity Creating Training Mr. He replied They said.
In the past week For the city, High Leaders Training Given To be remembered When In this In the second Round Training Of City And Circuit General Leaders Participating Available. In II Menelik Referral Hospital Built Kidney Washing Center Honorable FDRE General Minister Dr. Abby Ahmed, as well as Addis Ababa City Management Mayor Mrs.__ She, saved Abebe Where they are He graduated. brand new Flower Health Tourism Center To do Working Available Urban The administration Modern Qualified Health Institutions By building Reasonable and Fair Health Service To give Attention Given Working Available. For the kidneys Patients, Relief Gives Called Expected Right now hour For graduation Enough In II Menelik Referral Hospital In made up Kidney Washing Center Before In all Government Hospitals Give That was Service In five Double As he raises it Explained.

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