Addis Ababa City High Leaders Training Forum complete.

June 13, 2022

For the past six Days “New Political View – New National Progress.” ” For the city High Leadership When given Who was Training Forum Today Day Done.
In conclusion, The forum Addis Ababa City Mayor Mrs.__ She saved Abebe National The change Process Challenging even if This Test To pass Wisely And Scientific Anyway Way Of leadership Metaphor Following Today On catch up That he can From here Training The leadership Awareness The acquisition They said.
By the way Process Hope Shortening Large Jobs They are made In particular Political, Economic, Security, Peace, and Silence Our institutions On Done Basic Reforms Temporarily Only But not For national The construction Critical Anyway Role To play Enable Made Work The trainee In practice Including Watching Trained Condition As it were You picked it up.
General The training In leadership Leadership Role On Focused As it was Described Mayor She saved Abebe Institutional Construction, Institutional Procedures Strengthen it To continue As they should National The change Institutional However To continue all of them Collaborative to make As it should They said.
Party Institutional Construction For the government and For national Strength Critical it is; a strong Government Who will live And strong Country What we build Strong Party Because The leadership Functions Combined To lead As it should The mayor They are worried.

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